What is it and why is it used/useful?
健全性测试不限于编程或软件工程的上下文.健全性测试只是一个随意的术语,表示您正在测试/确认/验证应该遵循非常清晰和简单的逻辑的东西.这是在要求其他人确认您没有发疯,并且对您来说似乎有意义的事情对他们也有意义……或者您是否在过去 4 小时内喝了太多能量饮料以保持理智?
A sanity test isn't limited in any way to the context of programming or software engineering. A sanity test is just a casual term to mean that you're testing/confirming/validating something that should follow very clear and simple logic. It's asking someone else to confirm that you are not insane and that what seems to make sense to you also makes sense to them... or did you down way too many energy drinks in the last 4 hours to maintain sanity?
如果您完全不知道为什么一些非常简单的方法行不通,那么您完全不知道...让他们确保您在查看它的最后 15 次时没有忽略 for
If you're bashing your head on the wall completely at a loss as to why something very simple isn't working... you would ask someone to do a quick sanity test for you. Have them make sure you didn't overlook that semicolon at the end of your for
loop the last 15 times you looked it over. Extremely simple example, really shouldn't happen, but sometimes you're too close to something to step back and see the whole. A different perspective sometimes helps to make sure you're not completely insane.