本文介绍了单元测试 Karma Jasmine SyntaxError:解析“&"上的错误角度指令绑定的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我在指令行收到 SyntaxError: Parse error,我想在其中使用&"来自父指令的方法的单向绑定

I get SyntaxError: Parse error at my directive line where I want to use a "&" one-way binding from a parent directive's method

myApp.directive('datasourceDeleteBtn', [function() {
return {
    restrict: 'E',
    replace: true,
    template: '<a href="#">&#x2715</a>',
    scope: {
        datasourceIndex: '@',
        removeParentDiv: '&'
    link: link

function link(scope, element, attr) {

    element.bind('click', function(event) {

    // Notify parent directive
    scope.deleteDatasource = function(datasource_index) {
        // conditional stuff that happens not included
        // {} required for passing values to "&" parent scope method


 <parent-div ng-repeat> // this is just a mockup not literal
 <datasource-delete-btn datasource-index="{{$index}}" remove-parent-div="removeParentDiv()"></datasource-delete-btn>

通过 removeParentDiv 的 ng-repeat 的父 div

The parent div of the ng-repeat that passes removeParentDiv

    // parentDiv directive has this
    scope.datasources = [];
    scope.removeDatasourcePicker = function(index) {
        scope.datasources.splice(index, 1);  // ie take it out

问题似乎是 Jasmine 不喜欢 { }.删除括号会导致测试通过(由于 & 需要 {},因此会出现典型错误).

It seems the problem is that Jasmine does not like the { }. Removing the brackets results in the test going through (with typical errors since & requires {}).


您没有从指令中正确调用在指令范围 removeParentDiv: '&' 中传递的方法.因为你只是在做 scope.removeParentDiv({datasource_index}); 这不会将 index 参数传递给方法.

You have not called method passed in directive scope removeParentDiv: '&' correctly from directive. As you are only doing scope.removeParentDiv({datasource_index}); which would not pass index parameter to the method.


For make it working, you need to do couple of changes.

  1. 指令元素方法应该是

  1. Directive element method should be


  • 在从指令中调用它时,通过具有 json 结构,其中 index 只是参数,datasource_index 是它的值.

  • and while calling it from directive, by having json structure, where index is nothing but parameter and datasource_index is value of it.

    scope.removeParentDiv({index: datasource_index});

  • 在调用 scope.deleteDatasource(scope.datasourceIndex); 方法后运行摘要循环,来自 click 事件,以便它更新 scope绑定.

  • Do run digest cycle after calling scope.deleteDatasource(scope.datasourceIndex); method from click event so that it will update scope binding.

    element.bind('click', function(event) {
        scope.$apply(); //to run digest cycle, to keep binding in sync

  • 这篇关于单元测试 Karma Jasmine SyntaxError:解析“&amp;"上的错误角度指令绑定的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    08-03 20:17