我尝试开箱即用地运行 OAuthStarterKit xcode 项目,输入了正确的 api 密钥/秘密和 oauth 用户令牌/秘密.当我使用此代码进行授权时:
I've tried to run the OAuthStarterKit xcode project out of the box, entered the correct api key/secret and oauth user token/secret. When I get to authorizing with this code:
OAMutableURLRequest *request =
[[[OAMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:requestTokenURL
consumer: self.consumer
token: self.requestToken
signatureProvider:sha] autorelease];
It returns the error "signature_invalid", which seems to indicate an incorrect signature. the clear text and secret have a mix of upper and lower case chars, I'm not sure that that should make a difference.
requestTokenURLString = @"https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/requestToken?scope=r_basicprofile+r_emailaddress";
It returns invalid sig... but if I use a basic permissions call
requestTokenURLString = @"https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/requestToken;
It works fine, but it means I only have basic profile permissions, where I need things like the email address.
Entering all of the same data in the test console seems to work fine here:
Anyone know what I should be doing, thinking, or where I should be looking?Further log info:
oauth_problem_advice=com.linkedin.security.auth.pub.LoginDeniedInvalidAuthTokenException while obtaining request token for: POST https://api.linkedin.com/uas/oauth/requestToken/oauth_callback:hdlinked://linkedin/oauth
oauth_consumer_key: XXX
oauth_signature_method: 3DHMACSHA1
2012-09-04 23:36:07.054 OAuthStarterKit[31952:c07] secret: TIDi9XXXXXXX
2012-09-04 23:36:07.054 OAuthStarterKit[31952:c07] base64EncodedResult: JXW6ZWUpXv7ba98o2hcUXodDhmg=
我正在使用这里的代码示例 https://github.com/synedra/LinkedIn-OAuth-Sample-Client
I'm using the code sample from here https://github.com/synedra/LinkedIn-OAuth-Sample-Client
Will be trying to get to the bottom of this tomorrow and answer my own question if no one beats me to it.
在与 Linkedin API Beast 多次争论之后,我发现问题出在 OAuthLoginView.m 方法中的编码方式上,这是一个很长的故事requestTokenFromProvider' 我需要在 OARequestParameter 对象中包含具有相关权限的参数范围".
After much wrangling with the Linkedin API Beast, I found the issue to be in the way things are encoded, a long story, in OAuthLoginView.m in method 'requestTokenFromProvider' I needed to include the param 'scope' with the relevant permissions in a OARequestParameter object.
(基于 github 存储库 -> https://github.com/synedra/LinkedIn-OAuth-Sample-Client)
(based off the github repo -> https://github.com/synedra/LinkedIn-OAuth-Sample-Client)
之后,无论您在何处进行 api 调用(例如在 OAuthStarterKit 中),例如在 ProfileTabView::profileApiCall 中,您都可以像这样触发 URL 帖子:http://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~:(id,first-name,last-名称,行业)"];或者如果你需要他们的电子邮件地址,它就会出现(只要你有访问电子邮件的权限,你也可以像这样简单地获取它:
After that, wherever you're making your api call, (in OAuthStarterKit for example) like in ProfileTabView::profileApiCall you can fire off URL posts like this: http://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~:(id,first-name,last-name,industry)"];or if you need their email address, it appears (as long as you've got permission to access email, you can grab that too as simply as this:
NSURL *url = [NSURL URLWithString:@"http://api.linkedin.com/v1/people/~:(id,first-name,last-name,industry,email-address)"];
请参阅以下 URL 请求中使用 OARequestParameter 的代码...
See the code for using a OARequestParameter in the URL request below...
- (void)requestTokenFromProvider
OAMutableURLRequest *request =
[[[OAMutableURLRequest alloc] initWithURL:requestTokenURL
signatureProvider:nil] autorelease];
[request setHTTPMethod:@"POST"];
OARequestParameter * scopeParameter=[OARequestParameter requestParameter:@"scope" value:@"r_fullprofile r_contactinfo r_emailaddress"];
[request setParameters:[NSArray arrayWithObject:scopeParameter]];
OADataFetcher *fetcher = [[[OADataFetcher alloc] init] autorelease];
[fetcher fetchDataWithRequest:request
And for a more in depth short cut to using linkedin's API I'll keep some quicktips on my blog here ->http://techrantnz.blogspot.com.au/2012/09/the-linkedin-api-with-oauthstarterkit.html
If you wish to check things are working, check the method which is called if it succeeds
- (void)profileApiCallResult:(OAServiceTicket *)ticket didFinish:(NSData *)data
If you output the response body you might see something like:
2012-09-05 21:40:55.109 OAuthStarterKit[12244:c07] profile: {
emailAddress = "[my email]@gmail.com";
firstName = Dave;
id = XXXXXX;
industry = "Information Technology and Services";
lastName = "XXXXXXXX";
这篇关于iPhone 入门套件中的 Linkedin API 错误无效签名的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!