private void timingToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
StartTimer(new TimeSpan(10, 00 , 0), new TimeSpan(24,00 , 0), ProcessViewType.SingleRun, false);
StartTimerH(new TimeSpan(09, 30, 0), new TimeSpan(01, 00, 0), ProcessViewType.ReportToBranch, false);
protected void StartTimer(TimeSpan scheduledRunTime, TimeSpan timeBetweenEachRun,ProcessViewType pc,bool Hourly)
// Initialize timer
double current = DateTime.Now.TimeOfDay.TotalMilliseconds;
double scheduledTime = scheduledRunTime.TotalMilliseconds;
double intervalPeriod = timeBetweenEachRun.TotalMilliseconds;
// calculates the first execution of the method, either its today at the scheduled time or tomorrow (if scheduled time has already occured today)
double firstExecution = current > scheduledTime ? intervalPeriod + (intervalPeriod - current) : scheduledTime - current;
System.Threading.TimerCallback callback = null;
callback = new System.Threading.TimerCallback(runSingleRun);
_timer = new System.Threading.Timer(callback, null, Convert.ToInt32(firstExecution), Convert.ToInt32(intervalPeriod));
当我在中午12点运行此代码时出现错误,即未处理 mscorlib.dll中出现'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException'类型的异常
when i run this code on 12:00 pm i got error which is " An unhandled exception of type 'System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException' occurred in mscorlib.dll
Additional information: The number must be non-negative and less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue, or -1."
What I have tried:
When i change the time to 9:00 am this error does not show.
// calculates the first execution of the method, either its today at the scheduled time or tomorrow (if scheduled time has already occured today)
double firstExecution = current > scheduledTime ? intervalPeriod + (intervalPeriod - current) : scheduledTime - current;
Use this instead:
double firstExecution = scheduledTime - current;
// If scheduling time already passed today, do it tomorrow
if (firstExecution <= 0)
firstExecution += 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000;