

我想要一个别名,并将URL tz433.tld / jobs / 重定向到页面 tz433.tld / about-us / jobs /

I would like to have an alias and redirect the URL tz433.tld/jobs/ to the page tz433.tld/about-us/jobs/.


This is what I've tried by far; it didn't work:

RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} !^www\.tz433\.tld/jobs/$
RewriteRule (.*) http://tz433.tld/about-us/jobs.html [R=301,L]

问题是,在此根路径中有多个域,因为它是一个多站点typo3安装。因此,诸如将 / jobs 重定向到 / about-us / jobs 之类的东西不起作用,因为它只会发生

The problem is, in this root path there are multiple domains, because it is a multisite typo3 installation. So something like "redirect /jobs to /about-us/jobs" isn't working because it should only happen for a specific domain (tz433).

下一个特定的内容是 www.tz433.tld 自动重定向到 tz433.tld 。因此,它也应与 www.tz433.tld / jobs / tz433.tld / jobs 一起使用。两者都应重定向到 tz433.tld / about-us / jobs.html

The next specific thing is www.tz433.tld automatically redirects to tz433.tld. So it should also work with www.tz433.tld/jobs/ and tz433.tld/jobs. Both should redirect to tz433.tld/about-us/jobs.html.



如果您希望仅在域为 tz433.tld 时执行规则,则需要以下条件:

If you want the rule to only execute when the domain is "tz433.tld", you need this condition:

RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^(www\.)?tz433\.tld

并重定向 jobs / jobs tz433.tld / about-us / jobs.html ,您可以尝试以下方法之一:

And to redirect "jobs/" and "jobs" to "tz433.tld/about-us/jobs.html", you can try one of these:

RewriteRule ^jobs/? /about-us/jobs.html [R=301,L]
# or
RewriteRule ^jobs/? http://tz433.tld/about-us/jobs.html [R=301,L]


09-05 12:41