本文介绍了自定义 iPhone 相机控件(不使用 UIImagePickerController)的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


虽然我知道要让 iPhone 应用程序在 App Store 上被接受,一个要求是只能使用文档库.

While I understand that in order for an iPhone application to be accepted on the App Store, one requirement is that only documented libraries are to be used.

如果是这种情况,某些应用程序(例如夜视摄像头"和Camera Plus")如何使用似乎不是 UIImagePickerController 中包含的摄像头控件?

If this is the case, how are certain applications such as "Night Camera" and "Camera Plus" using a camera control that seems to be something other than the one contained within UIImagePickerController?

我听说过某些情况,开发人员被授予对某些标头的特殊"访问权限,这些标头允许使用如果受限于仅使用文档库而无法实现的功能.但是,考虑到 App Store 的应用程序选择过程是多么不透明,我宁愿坚持推荐的内容,也不愿冒险.

I have heard of certain cases where a developer has been given "special" access to certain headers that allow for features that would otherwise be impossible if constrained to only using documented libraries. However, given how opaque the application selection process is for the App Store, I would prefer to stick to what is recommended rather than take my chances.


Anyone care to shed some more light on this?


您可能想查看苹果私有框架头文件的类转储.运行这个 perl 脚本:

You might want to check out a classdump of apple's private framework headers. Run this perl script:


并导航到 PrivateFrameworks 下的 PhotoLibrary 目录.这里的一些类看起来很有希望直接访问相机.

and navigate to the PhotoLibrary directory under PrivateFrameworks. Some of the classes in here look pretty promising for direct camera access.

使用未记录的 API 可能会降低您通过应用商店的机会,但这都是非常主观的 - 如果您的产品很好,苹果可能会让它溜走.我建议与 Apple 的开发人员传道者交朋友.

Using the undocumented API could hurt your chances of passing through the app store, but it's all very subjective - If your product is good, apple will probably let it slide through. I'd recommend making friends with a developer evangelist at Apple.

这篇关于自定义 iPhone 相机控件(不使用 UIImagePickerController)的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 08:16