本文介绍了Meteor.js - 使用提示让 Mongo 使用索引?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我正在使用 Meteor 查询 MongoDB 集合.查询当前使用了错误的索引.使用原始 Mongo,可以将 hint 传递给查询使用指定的索引.有没有办法直接从 Meteor 中做到这一点?

I'm using Meteor to query a MongoDB collection. The query is currently using the wrong index. With raw Mongo, it is possible to pass a hint to a query to use a specified index. Is there any way to do this from within Meteor directly?


这可以使用 $query: $hint: 语法直接在 Meteor 内部完成.值得注意的是,使用 sort 选项而不是 $orderBy: 似乎会导致 Meteor 抱怨.

This can be done directly inside of Meteor using the $query: $hint: syntax. It is worth noting that using the sort option instead of $orderBy: seems to cause Meteor to complain.


    {  $query:{
        //query goes here
    }, $hint: {
        "indexField1": 1, "indexField2": 1, "indexField3": -1
    }, $orderBy:{
        "createdAt": -1 //sorting option
    {limit:30} //sort here makes Meteor complain

确保您在提示中指定的索引确实存在于您的数据库中,否则 mongo 会抱怨收到错误提示.

Make sure that the index that you are specifying in your hint actually exists in your db or else mongo will complain about receiving a bad hint.

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07-17 02:38