本文介绍了在Symfony 2中使用指南针/无礼的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!



I've been googling around for an answer to this but haven't found exactly what I'm looking for.


I'm dipping my toes in the water of the Symfony framework having been using CodeIgniter for a few years. I like the "bundle" approach so far except that I'm having a few issues getting my head around how to deal with assets, specifically css files.

使用Compass框架,通常将使用编译为一个主样式表的部分来建立目录结构。但是,由于我的Symfony项目已拆分为多个包,因此我希望(可能应该应该)将每个包的css保留在包中,并且在主 web目录中仅包含类似全局模板的内容。

I am used to using the Compass framework and typically will set up a directory structure using partials that compile down to one main stylesheet. However, because my Symfony project is split into bundles I would like (and probably should) keep the css for each bundle within the bundle and only have global template-like stuff in the main "web" directory.My problem is this...

如果我在 web目录中设置了罗盘项目,我该如何包括单个捆绑包中的部分内容?

If I have a compass project setup in my "web" directory, how can I include partials from my individual bundles?


I thought about having separate compass projects for each bundle that I create but how would I then combine them all into one, compressed file? Is that something I should use Assetic for? Is that frankly organisational overkill?


Any suggestions from others who have found themselves in a similar situation would be gratefully received!


我最终在主app / Resources文件夹中为我的罗盘项目建立了目录结构。我已经能够创建特定于捆绑包的目录,如果需要的话,然后使用Compass将全部文件编译成一个主要的css文件(也存储在app / Resources / public中。

I ended up making a directory structure for my compass project in the main app/Resources folder. I've been able to create "bundle-specific" directories if I need them and then use Compass to compile the whole lot down to one main css file (also stored in app/Resources/public.I then use Assetic to "publish" (or whatever it does) that file into my web root using the normal method of including stylesheets into my base twig templates.

这篇关于在Symfony 2中使用指南针/无礼的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

06-06 07:52