The code review tool I use complains with the below when I start comparing two float values using equality operator. What is the correct way and how to do it? Is there a helper function (commons-*) out there which I can reuse?
无法使用等号 (==) 运算符比较浮点值
Cannot compare floating-point values using the equals (==) operator
由于舍入误差,使用等式 (==) 或不等式 (!=) 运算符来比较浮点值并不总是准确的.
Comparing floating-point values by using either the equality (==) or inequality (!=) operators is not always accurate because of rounding errors.
Compare the two float values to see if they are close in value.
float a;
float b;
IBM 建议 使用除法而不是减法来比较两个浮点数 - 这样可以更轻松地选择适用于所有输入范围的 epsilon.
IBM has a recommendation for comparing two floats, using division rather than subtraction - this makes it easier to select an epsilon that works for all ranges of input.
if (abs(a/b - 1) < epsilon)
至于 epsilon 的值,我将使用 5.96e-08
,如这个维基百科表格,或者可能是那个值的 2 倍.
As for the value of epsilon, I would use 5.96e-08
as given in this Wikipedia table, or perhaps 2x that value.
这篇关于使用 == 运算符比较浮点/双精度值的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!