

如果您有一组具有原始类型(例如字节、整数、字符等)的 Java 对象.有没有一种巧妙的方法可以将其转换为原始类型的数组?尤其是无需创建新数组并循环遍历内容即可完成此操作.

If you have an array of Java objects which have a primitive type (for example Byte, Integer, Char, etc). Is there a neat way I can convert it into an array of the primitive type? In particular can this be done without having to create a new array and loop through the contents.


Integer[] array


what is the neatest way to convert this into

int[] intArray

不幸的是,在 Hibernate 和一些我们无法控制的第三方库之间进行交互时,这是我们必须经常做的事情.这似乎是一个很常见的操作,所以如果没有捷径,我会感到惊讶.

Unfortunately, this is something we have to do quite frequently when interfacing between Hibernate and some third party libraries over which we have no control. It seems this would be a quite common operation so I would be surprised if there's no shortcut.



不幸的是,Java 平台中没有任何东西可以做到这一点.顺便说一句,您还需要显式处理 Integer[] 数组中的 null 元素(您将使用什么 int 来处理这些元素?).

Unfortunately, there's nothing in the Java platform that does this. Btw, you also need to explicitly handle null elements in the Integer[] array (what int are you going to use for those?).


07-18 03:46