create table org_users (
id character varying (255),
settings_id character varying (255) -- fk: settings.id
create table settings (
id character varying (255), -- primary key settings_id
perdiem_settings character varying (255), -- jsonised fk to perdiems.id
floor_settings character varying (255) -- jsonised fk to floors.id
create table perdiems (
id integer, -- primary key
name character varying(255)
create table floors (
id integer, -- primary key
name character varying (255)
insert into perdiems (id, name) values (1, 'perdiem 1');
insert into perdiems (id, name) values (2, 'perdiem 2');
insert into perdiems (id, name) values (3, 'perdiem 3');
insert into floors (id, name) values (1, 'floor 1');
insert into floors (id, name) values (2, 'floor 2');
insert into floors (id, name) values (3, 'floor 3');
insert into settings (id, perdiem_settings, floor_settings) values ('setting1', '{"allowed_per_diem_ids":[1, 2]}', '{"allowed_floor_ids":[1]}');
insert into settings (id, perdiem_settings, floor_settings) values ('setting2', '{"allowed_per_diem_ids":[2, 3]}', '{"allowed_floor_ids":[1, 2]}');
insert into settings (id, perdiem_settings, floor_settings) values ('setting3', '{"allowed_per_diem_ids":[3, 1]}', '{"allowed_floor_ids":[1, 2, 3]}');
insert into org_users (id, settings_id) values ('user1', 'setting1');
insert into org_users (id, settings_id) values ('user2', 'setting2');
insert into org_users (id, settings_id) values ('user3', 'setting3');
Now I want to create a view which will have aggregates from each of the other table, into an array field of its own. To explain with an example, the view that I want should be like:
org_user_id | settings_id | perdiems | floors
user1 | setting1 | ['perdiem 1', 'perdiem 2'] | ['floor 1']
user2 | setting2 | ['perdiem 2', 'perdiem 3'] | ['floor 1', 'floor 2']
user3 | setting3 | ['perdiem 3', 'perdiem 1'] | ['floor 1', 'floor 2', 'floor 3']
这个问题与 postgres聚合联接匹配到数组有关字段,该字段用于处理联接匹配之外的数组字段.但是,这里我想在单个视图中创建多个数组字段,因此使用GROUP BY
This question is somewhat related to postgres aggregate join matches to an array field which deals with creating array fields out of join matches. However, here I want to create multiple array fields in a single view and so using a GROUP BY
clause will not be feasible iiuc.
CREATE OR REPLACE VIEW users_settings_view AS
SELECT ou.id AS org_user_id, <other fields...>
FROM org_users ou
LEFT JOIN settings pdr_s ON pdr_s.id = ou.settings_id
LEFT JOIN perdiems pdr ON pdr.id = ANY (SELECT json_array_elements(perdiem_settings::JSON->'allowed_per_diem_ids')::text::int FROM settings)
which creates duplicate records for each of the matching perdiem because of the join and not creating an array. Even if I crate an array as mentioned in the other stackoverflow question, it won't work if I have multiple string arrays as part of the view for different columns. Any way I can get multiple join matches to multiple array fields in a single view ?
select ou.id, array_agg( DISTINCT pd.name ),
array_agg( DISTINCT f.name )
from org_users ou join settings s on ou.settings_id = s.id
cross join lateral
as jp(perdiem) join
perdiems pd
on pd.id = jp.perdiem::int
cross join lateral
as js(floor) join
floors f
on f.id = js.floor::int
GROUP BY ou.id;
设置,您可以使用单独的UNION ALL
For cases of NULL
settings, you may use a separate UNION ALL
select id , ARRAY[NULL] as perdiems ,ARRAY[NULL] as floors FROM org_users
WHERE settings_id IS NULL
-- The above query --
) ORDER BY id;