

我有一个InstallShield MSI项目.当我将MSIHANDLE从InstallScript定制操作传递给通过DotNetCoCreateObject()初始化的托管程序集时,在托管代码中收到的值为-2.

I have an InstallShield MSI project. When I pass an MSIHANDLE from an InstallScript custom action to a managed assembly initialized via DotNetCoCreateObject(), the value received within my managed code is -2.

有人知道是否可以通过通过DotNetCoCreateObject()调用托管代码的InstallScript自定义操作来访问MSIHANDLE?我想将我的自定义操作结果记录到与其余安装相同的日志文件中.我正在使用InstallShield 2010,Windows Install 4.5和.Net 3.5.

Does anyone know if it is possible to access an MSIHANDLE from an InstallScript custom action that calls into managed code via DotNetCoCreateObject()? I'd like to log my custom action results to the same log file as the rest of the installation. I am using InstallShield 2010, Windows Install 4.5 and .Net 3.5.



It is only possible via a managed custom action and requires use of InstallShield's InstallShield.Interop.Msi.dll to get at the actual handle.


To write to the MSI log file from a managed custom action, this works:

 using (Msi.Install msi = Msi.CustomActionHandle(_msiHandle))
     using (Msi.Record record = new Msi.Record(100))
         record.SetString(0, "LOG: [1]");
         record.SetString(1, entry.Message);
         msi.ProcessMessage(Msi.InstallMessage.Info, record);


NOTE: As of IS2010, InstallShield.Interop.Msi.dll is not digitally signed, so the assembly with your managed custom action must also be unsigned.


08-04 19:51