我可以在商业应用程序中使用对wmpLib.ddl/wmp.dll(\ windows \ system32 \ wmp.dll)的引用吗?
Can I use a reference to wmpLib.ddl / wmp.dll (\windows\system32\wmp.dll) in a commercial application?
我正在使用 Visual Studio 2008 Express 版.我必须提供该DLL.
I am using Visual Studio 2008 Express edition. I have to deliver that DLL.
To add to Darins reply: I don't think that you can simply deploy wmp.dll
with your product (I'm guessing you're thinking about doing that from the last sentence "I have to deliver that dll.")!
您将必须创建一个安装程序,以检查目标系统上是否存在正确版本的DLL,并让用户安装正确版本的Windows Media Player(如果没有).
You will have to create an installer that checks whether the correct version of the DLL is present on the target system and have the user install the correct version of Windows Media Player in case it is not there.
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