class Logger
static int mTresholdSeverity;
static __declspec(dllexport) void log(const char* message);
static __declspec(dllexport) void logFormat(const char* format, ...);
static __declspec(dllexport) int getTresholdSeverity() { return mTresholdSeverity; }
static __declspec(dllexport) void setTresholdSeverity(int tresholdSeverity) { mTresholdSeverity = tresholdSeverity; }
#include "Logger.h"
#include <cstdarg>
int Logger::mTresholdSeverity = 200;
void Logger::log(const char* message)
void Logger::logFormat(const char* format, ...)
错误LNK2001:无法解析的外部符号专用:静态int TransformationViewer_Utility_Logging :: Logger :: mTresholdSeverity"(?mTresholdSeverity @ Logger @ TransformationViewer_Utility_Logging @@ 0HA)...
I get this error:
error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol "private: static int TransformationViewer_Utility_Logging::Logger::mTresholdSeverity" (?mTresholdSeverity@Logger@TransformationViewer_Utility_Logging@@0HA) ...
Obviously, mTresholdSeverity is initialized. The error is removed if I comment out getTresholdSeverity() and setTresholdSeverity() or if I move their definition into .cpp file.
Why is there a link error when a static method defined in header file (getTresholdSeverity() or setTresholdSeverity()) uses a static variable (mTresholdSeverity)?
每个DLL(或EXE)或其他完整的完全链接"二进制文件,都必须具有所有引用名称的定义,包括静态变量,包括C ++类中的静态数据成员.
Every DLL (or EXE) or otherwise complete "fully-linked" binary, must have definitions of all referenced names, including static variables, including static data members in C++ classes.
They will be separate across DLLs in the application. That means, this variable value will be different, depending on which DLL you look from. Moving the functions to CPP file will make them do a different thing: they will now see the DLL's copy of the variable and not the EXE's.
To make what you wrote compile, there has to be the definition from the CPP present in all user binaries at one place. That means, the DLL and the users of the DLL (EXEs or DLLs) must have one CPP file with this definition.
这是一个很大的麻烦,因为除其他因素外,它使Singleton模式成为不可能(程序中所有用户都拥有一个共享数据对象),并且DLL的每个副本都必须具有自己的静态状态.这种问题仅在具有动态* 已加载* 库的DLL的Windows上存在.在UNIX系统上,存在另一种称为共享对象(SO)的技术.它们支持真正的动态链接,这意味着运行链接器以在运行时解析外部名称.
This is a very big hassle, because among other things it makes Singleton pattern impossible (having a shared data object for all users within the program) and each copy of a DLL must have its own static state. Such problem exists only on Windows, with DLLs which are dynamic *loaded * libraries. On UNIX systems, there is a different technology known as Shared Objects (SO). They support true dynamic linking, which means, running the linker to resolve external names at runtime.