我想将我的应用程序从VC ++ 6.0迁移到MS Visual Studio2010.
我正在考虑在Visual 2010中编译我的旧代码(VC ++ 6.0),并解决编译器错误.可以吗或者我需要进行任何修改.
我相信我需要在Visual Studio 2010中编译exe和dll.
因为dll是在旧的VC ++ 6.0中创建的.我正在考虑在Visual 2010中编译旧代码(VC ++ 6.0)
>> Visual Studio 2010中的dll.
>>在旧的VC ++ 6.0中创建的..
如果dll公开了c api,并且资源管理(如内存管理)严格封装在dll中,则可能有效.如果是这样的话,您可能在最初的设计中就花了一些时间.
最好的选择可能是使用Visual C ++ 2010重新编译它们.
Espen Harlinn
I want to migrate my application from VC++ 6.0 to MS Visual studio 2010.
I am thinking to compile my old code(VC++ 6.0) in Visual 2010 and resolve the compiler errors. Is it ok? Or I need to do any modification.
My application is having one exe and all other modules are dlls.
I believe that I need to compile exe as well as dlls in visual studio 2010.
Is it ok? Or I can only compile exe and dlls can be used as it is.
Because dlls are created in old VC++6.0.
这篇关于从VC ++ 6.0迁移到Visual Studio 2010的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!