本文介绍了如何让 Winston 使用 Webpack?的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我有一个使用 node.js 的电子应用程序.我想使用 Winston 登录应用程序.我已将 winston 添加到我的 package.json 文件中,但是当我为 webpack 运行构建命令时,我收到了来自 winston 中的 colors.js 依赖项的一些警告.

I have an electron application which is using node.js. I would like to use Winston for logging in the application. I've added winston to my package.json file, but when I run the build command for webpack I'm getting some warnings from the colors.js dependency in winston.

'...the request of a dependency is an expression...'

然后它引用winston 和colors.js.忽略警告不起作用,因为电子应用程序在尝试从 winston 加载一些文件时遇到异常.

It then references winston and colors.js. Ignoring the warnings doesn't work, as the electron application gets an exception trying to load some files from winston.

我在 SO 和 github 站点上进行了一些挖掘,他们说 colors.js 有一些动态的 require 语句,webpack 有问题.我还看到其他示例项目似乎已经启动并运行了winston,并且在他们的项目中没有任何问题.有谁知道如何在电子应用程序中正确包含带有 webpack 的 winston 日志记录包?

I did some digging on SO and the github site and they say that colors.js has some dynamic require statements that webpack is having issues with. I've also seen that other sample projects seem to have winston up and running without any issues in their projects. Does anyone know how to correctly include the winston logging package with webpack in an electron app?



1) winston 直接或间接依赖于 color.js,因此一旦 winston 存在,依赖项就会自动包含在内.在它的一些旧版本中,它包含一个动态的 require 语句,这导致:

1) winston directly or indirectly depends on color.js, so that dependency automatically gets included, once winston is there. In some older versions of it, it included a dynamic require statement, which leads to this:

2) 一个依赖有动态的 require 语句,Webpack 无法处理;您可以配置 webpack 以便它可以忽略此特定情况,或者也可以将 winston 升级到更新版本,因此 color.js 将在没有动态要求的变体中被选择(参见 https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/984).

2) a dependency has a dynamic require statement that Webpack cannot handle; you can either configure webpack so it can ignore this specific case, or also upgrade winston to a newer version, so color.js will be picked in a variant without that dynamic require (see https://github.com/winstonjs/winston/issues/984).

要告诉 Webpack 与动态 require 相处,你需要告诉 Webpack Winston 是一个外部库.

To tell Webpack to get along with the dynamic require, you need to tell Webpack that Winston is an external library.

这是我的 webpack.config.js 中的一个示例:

Here's an example from my webpack.config.js:

 externals: {
    'electron': 'require("electron")',
    'net': 'require("net")',
    'remote': 'require("remote")',
    'shell': 'require("shell")',
    'app': 'require("app")',
    'ipc': 'require("ipc")',
    'fs': 'require("fs")',
    'buffer': 'require("buffer")',
    'winston': 'require("winston")',
    'system': '{}',
    'file': '{}'

要使用电子使记录器在 Angular 2 应用程序中可用,请创建一个 logger.js 文件,然后用全局日志记录服务 TypeScript 文件(即 logging.service.ts)包装它.logger.js 文件使用所需的 Winston 配置设置创建 logger 变量.

To make the logger available in an angular 2 app using electron, create a logger.js file and then wrap it with a global logging service TypeScript file (i.e. logging.service.ts). The logger.js file creates the logger variable with the desired Winston configuration settings.


    var winston = require( 'winston' ),
    fs = require( 'fs' ),
    logDir = 'log', // Or read from a configuration
    env = process.env.NODE_ENV || 'development',

     winston.setLevels( winston.config.npm.levels );
    winston.addColors( winston.config.npm.colors );

    if ( !fs.existsSync( logDir ) ) {
        // Create the directory if it does not exist
        fs.mkdirSync( logDir );
    logger = new( winston.Logger )( {
        transports: [
            new winston.transports.Console( {
                level: 'warn', // Only write logs of warn level or higher
                colorize: true
            } ),
            new winston.transports.File( {
                level: env === 'development' ? 'debug' : 'info',
                filename: logDir + '/logs.log',
                maxsize: 1024 * 1024 * 10 // 10MB
            } )
        exceptionHandlers: [
            new winston.transports.File( {
                filename: 'log/exceptions.log'
            } )
    } );
    module.exports = logger;



export var LoggerService = require('./logger.js');


Now the logging service is available for use throughout the application.


import {LoggerService} from '<path>';
LoggerService.log('info', 'Login successful for user ' + this.user.email);

这篇关于如何让 Winston 使用 Webpack?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-23 06:20