

我使用 NSURLConnection NSURLRequest 课程。

如何读取响应的状态,即app引擎使用 response.set_status设置的值(200,message =Success)例如?

How do I read the response's status, i.e. the value set by app engine using response.set_status(200, message="Success") for instance?

收到 NSURLConnection的 <$ c后,我无法找到可以读取这些状态代码的位置$ c> connectionDidFinishLoading 委托客户端的委托。

I'm not able to find where I can read these status codes once I receive the NSURLConnection's connectionDidFinishLoading delegate call on the client end.


connection:didReceiveResponse:在收到响应时调用delegate方法,这会给你一个 NSURLResponse 来玩。

The connection:didReceiveResponse: delegate method is called when a response is received, which gives you an NSURLResponse to play with.

如果您发出了HTTP请求,那么它实际上是一个 NSHTTPURLResponse 对象,它有一个 statusCode 方法。

If you've made an HTTP request, then it'll actually be an NSHTTPURLResponse object, which has a statusCode method.


07-22 22:33