

我给从Windows窗体应用程序的消息,蔚蓝的活动中心。我使用的数据流分析为一些实时操作,并从事件中心的数据之后。该操作后,我发送结果消息事件枢纽。现在我要显示结果的消息,使用移动应用(Android或Windows Mobile应用程序)通过湛蓝的通知中心的用户。我们可以连接蔚蓝的通知中心,并直接蔚蓝的活动中心?

I sent the message from windows form application to azure event hub. After I using data stream analytics for some real time operation and get data from event hub. After that operation I sent result message to event hub. Now I want to display the result message to users through azure notification hub using mobile app(android or windows mobile app). Can we connect azure notification hub and azure event hub directly?.



No it cannot be done directly, some intermediate layer should get a message from the Event Hub and then send to mobile devices through the Notification Hub.


09-26 14:14