If i have a custom classloader which, instead of delegating to its parent first, tries a search and load of the class itself will it be a violation of some stated/unstated rule?
Tomcat webapp类加载器遵循这个模型,所以我想它至少可以一些范围:)来自:
The Tomcat webapp classloader follows this model, so I imagine it works to at least some extent :) From the Tomcat classloader documentation:
如上所述,Web应用程序类加载器与默认的Java 2委派模型不同(根据Servlet规范2.4版,第9.7.2节Web应用程序类加载器中的建议)。当处理从Web应用程序的WebappX类加载器加载类的请求时,此类加载器将首先查看本地存储库,而不是在查找之前委派。有例外。作为JRE基类的一部分的类不能被覆盖。对于某些类(例如J2SE 1.4+中的XML解析器组件),可以使用J2SE 1.4认可的功能。最后,类加载器将显式忽略包含Servlet API类的任何JAR文件 - 不要在Web应用程序中包含此类JAR。 Tomcat 6中的所有其他类加载器都遵循通常的委托模式。
It sounds to me like you should be very cautious before you do this, but in certain cases it could be useful, if used carefully. You should document it thoroughly (particularly if this will be seen by third party developers) and make sure you include enough logging/diagnostics to help troubleshoot thorny problems.