我正在开发一个iOS应用,我正在尝试使用 UIWebView
来显示各种网站。最近我完成了将Javascript注入 UIWebView
的逻辑,以捕获 window.open
的实例, window.close
和 window.opener.focus
。简而言之,为此,我注入了JS,它覆盖了前面提到的JS函数,其中包括使用特定的方案创建 iframe
,我可以在应用程序的<$ c $中捕获c> webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType 方法。这一切现在都可以,包括 window.open
创建一个新的 UIWebView
I'm working on an iOS app in which I'm trying to use UIWebView
to display a variety of websites. Recently I finished logic to inject Javascript into the UIWebView
to catch instances of window.open
, window.close
, and window.opener.focus
. In short, to do so, I inject JS that overrides the aforementioned JS functions, which includes creating an iframe
with a specific scheme that I can catch in the app's webView:shouldStartLoadWithRequest:navigationType
method. This is all working OK for now, including window.open
creating a new UIWebView
rather than loading in the same window.
现在,问题已出现在Windows之间没有可行的JS通信解决方案。如果子窗口试图调用 window.opener
或 window.parent
Now though, the issue has come up where there's no feasible solution for JS communication between windows. If the child window tries to call to window.opener
or window.parent
, it's always returning a null value, and thus, it can't communicate back to the original web view.
为了了解哪些iOS浏览器能够有效地执行窗口到窗口的通信,我我发现在iPhone上的9个浏览器中,只有Safari能够成功地有效地执行此通信。这让我相信 UIWebView
In an effort to see what iOS browsers are able to effectively perform window-to-window communication, I found that of the 9 browsers I have on my iPhone, only Safari was able to effectively perform this communication successfully. This leads me to believe that there's something with UIWebView
that prevents full JS window-to-window communication from being possible.
Has anyone had any success with getting UIWebView to fully integrate with all JS logic, namely window-to-window communication? Or have proof that JS window-to-window communication isn't possible? Any direction or advice is appreciated. Thanks!
添加JavaScriptCore.framework到Linked Frameworks和你的webViewDidFinishLoad:
Add JavaScriptCore.framework to Linked Frameworks and in your webViewDidFinishLoad:
JSContext *parentCtx = [self.parentWebView valueForKeyPath:@"documentView.webView.mainFrame.javaScriptContext"];
JSContext *childCtx = [self.childWebView valueForKeyPath:@"documentView.webView.mainFrame.javaScriptContext"];
childCtx[@"window"][@"opener"] = parentCtx[@"window"];
Now when you call window.opener.test() from childWebView, it will fire test function in parentWebView!
仅适用于iOS 7
I'm not sure about private API.Works on iOS 7 only
这篇关于UIWebView Javascript窗口到窗口通信的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!