


I have some queries on AOA(Android Open Automotive) protocol


1)How do we came to know whether an android device is supporting Android Open Automotive Protocol or not...


2)Is there any drivers /software is required to install on the device in order support


3)Please let me know is there any device as of now is having built-in support of this AOA protocol?



Do u refer to Open Automotive Alliance (OAA) or Android Open Accessory Protocol (AOA) [https://source.android.com/accessories/aoa2.html].

与上述版本的Andr​​oid 4.1设备支持AOA 2.0受制于制造商实施协议。

Android devices with version above 4.1 supports AOA 2.0 subject to the manufacturer implementation of the protocol.

要知道,如果Android设备支持AOA 2.0,AOA定义返回该设备支持的AOA版本的USB控制要求。

To know if an android device supports AOA 2.0, AOA defines a USB control request which returns the AOA version supported by the device.

可以根据附件的功能正在开发需要的应用程序。比方说,如果你只是想传输音频和控制诸如播放/暂停,下一首/前进等基本功能,你可以使用默认的谷歌Play音乐或其他任何媒体播放器应用程序。您可以通过AOA 2.0使用HID支持,用于控制应用程序。

App may be required depending on the functionality of accessory being developed. Lets say if you just wanted to stream audio and control basic functions like Play/Pause, Next/Forward etc. you can use the default Google Play Music or any other media player apps. You can make use of HID support by AOA 2.0, for controlling the app.

2014年JVC型号汽车音响通过固件更新支持AOA 2.0从他们的网站[的。目前,这是我知道的唯一产品支持AOA 2.0。可能还有其他外也。

JVC 2014 model car stereos supports AOA 2.0 via Firmware update from their website [http://www.jvc.net/cs/car/firmware/2014/aoa/index.html]. Currently this is the only product that I know of which supports AOA 2.0. There may be others also outside.


08-28 02:03