我正在将iAd添加到我的应用中。现在,在模拟器中,它运行良好但是当我将它加载到设备(v4.1)上时, ADBannerViewDelegate 调用 bannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError:并在上添加此描述error.userInfo
I'm adding iAd to my app. Now, in simulator, it works well but when I load it on a device (v4.1) the ADBannerViewDelegate calls bannerView:didFailToReceiveAdWithError: with this description on the error.userInfo
ADInternalErrorCode = 3;
NSLocalizedFailureReason = "Ad inventory unavailable";
I think my iAd Network setup is correct. Have I to add an ad by myself or iAd Network automatically sends test ads as in simulator?
I think it was a latency problem of the iAd Network server that dispatches the ads. I suppose that when the network had ads for my app it began to work fine.
It was a latency problem of the iAd Network server that dispatches the ads. I suppose that when the network had ads for my app it began to work fine.