


I want to emulate modal dialog in XAML Metro App.

所以我将设置从其中一个会伪装成除了所有控件.IsEnabled = FALSE一个模态对话框。

So I was going to set .IsEnabled = false on all controls apart from the one which will pose as a modal dialog.

显然,在电网中的面板IsEnabled不可不不FrameworkElement的。 如何禁用它不会使用户控制出来的吗?

Apparently IsEnabled not in Grid not in Panel not in FrameworkElement. How to disable it not making a user control out of it?


I guess Sinofsky cut so many corners that the whole thing is now more like an Escher staircases. I am loosing my faith. Please help



Sorry, I am a little late to the party...

下面是我创建了一个模式弹出 - 我用了一个弹出式对话框,其中顶部和底部是透明的,这样它后面的任何内容都会显示出来。当弹出窗口打开时,我设置其大小以覆盖整个屏幕。

Here is how I created a modal popup - I used a popup dialog where the top and bottom portions are transparent so that anything behind it will show through. When the popup is opened, I set its size to cover the entire screen.

弹出也被设定为自动调整大小(高度= *)的顶部和底部,以使它们填满屏幕的整个顶部和底部。这防止任何输入从进入电网下方。

The top and bottom portions of the popup also are set to autosize (height = *), so that they fill up the entire top and bottom of the screen. This prevents any input from going into the grid underneath.

下面是我的弹出窗口在Visual Studio中的屏幕截图:

Here is a screen shot of my popup in Visual Studio:


The popup is a grid with 5 rows, 3 for the dialog itself and 2 for the transparent top and bottom.


Here is how the popup looks in my app. Obviously the grid shows through the transparent top and bottom. Since the popup fills the entire screen, any input (keyboard or mouse) goes to it rather than the grid underneath, making the popup act like a modal dialog.


Be warned though that with this strategy, you have to handle these events:

  • 屏幕尺寸调整(全屏,厉声道,看到里面视图) - 你需要调整弹出窗口适合在每个视图状态的

  • 屏幕旋转 - 再次,你必须处理此调整

  • 键盘弹出 - 你需要弹出的上移使屏幕键盘不会干扰它。


08-18 17:20