My Xamarin forms android application taking 12 seconds to startup,How to reduce it and start within 2-3 seconds?
Inside My App.Xaml.Cs File I am creating sqlite connection.This connection takes 4 second to create connection.
SQLiteConnection con = DependencyService.Get<ISQLite>().GetConnectionWithCreateDatabase();
Master Details page loading takes 1.5 seconds
MainPage = new NavigationPage(new MasterDetailPOS() { });
after loading all of this things,also taking 5 seconds then splash screen goes out.
so how to speed up these things?
The painful truth is that you will never be able to optimize it to the level that it starts in 2-3 seconds with Xamarin.Forms, at least within the current implementation.You can find some of the tips how to speed it up:
- 如果您不需要立即使用数据库,建议您在完成所有必要的操作后延迟加载它
- 启用XAML编译
- 优化您正在使用的资产(对于不同的屏幕,检查Android )并启用
- 提前启用时间编译(AOT)
- If you don't need database immediately, I would suggest to Lazy Load it after finishing all the necessary stuff
- Enable XAML Compilation
- Optimize the assets you are using (for different screens, check for Android) and enable
- Enable Ahead of Time Compilation (AOT)
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