


其中一个角色是经理。管理者可以有许多助手和助理可以有许多经理人(虽然通常只有一个)。这种关系是通过pssed在用户模型作为manager_assistant_relationship EX $ P $重新presented:

 的has_many:助理:通过=> :manager_assistant_relationships
的has_many:经理:通过=> :manager_assistant_relationships










 经理= Manager.find(ID)
 客户端= manager.clients.first



 助理= Assistant.find(ID)
 轮班= assistant.workshifts

其他好的理由来使用角色preFER是基于角色的访问控制(RBAC) 数据上下文互为作用(DCI),如果​​你想阅读关于这些了。

I am working on my first real Rails app for timetracking in a company and I have run into database/model design concern. My app has a User model and a Role model which are linked together through a has_and_belongs_to_many association.

One of the roles is the manager. A manager can have many assistants and assistants can have many managers (although typically only one). This relationship is represented through a manager_assistant_relationship expressed in the User model as:

has_many :assistants, :through => :manager_assistant_relationships
has_many :managers, :through => :manager_assistant_relationships

Assistants can have many shifts (a different model representing a work shift) and managers can have many clients (another model that will be billed for the assistants' work). And more associations are coming.

As far as I can tell the only solution is to put all these relationships in the User model, but something feels wrong about this and the User model could get bloated as roles increases and associations mount and it also seems unintuitive, because a User only has many assistants if he is a manager. I would like some advice about potential pitfalls to this approach and what alternatives I should consider.

Would it be a good idea to subclass the User model into roles?


Good news, you're doing it correctly with roles.

To answer your question, no it is not a good idea to subclass the User model for what you describe. If you did, it tends to lead to tricky self-joins for associations, or to STI (single table inheritance), or to inheritance or classes instead of composition of modules. Much better to use roles.

It may help you to think of the user as a person, not a role. So the User class contains just personal information, such as name, birthdate, height, and maybe an email address, sign in password, etc. Make the personal information separate from the time tracking role.

To use your roles, you can do model relationships like this psuedocode:

 class Manager
   has_many :clients

 manager = Manager.find(id)
 client = manager.clients.first

Or like this pseudocode:

 class Assistant
   has_many :workshifts

 assistant = Assistant.find(id)
 workshift = assistant.workshifts

Other good reasons to prefer using roles is for Role-Based Access Control (RBAC) and for Data Context Interation (DCI) if you want to read up on these.


08-03 22:43