本文介绍了App Store上来自应用程序的崩溃报告的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


我刚刚在App Store上发布了一个应用程序,但是对于某些用户,该应用程序将崩溃.我无法重现此问题,因此我想知道是否有任何方法可以从用户那里获取崩溃报告,以便我可以了解应用程序为什么崩溃的原因.

I have just released an application on the App Store but for some users the app will crash. I am not able to reproduce this problem and therefore I was wondering if there is any way to get a crash report from the user so that I can get an idea of why the app will crash.


我只是一名兼职的iOS开发人员,并且拥有一款运行不多的小应用程序,直到最近我才有理由尝试查找崩溃日志. Google将我带到了这个非常古老的话题.

Being only a very part-time iOS developer and having a small app that doesn't have too much going on, I've not until recently had cause to try and find crash logs. Google led me to this very old thread.

以防万一其他人最终陷入同一困境-在撰写本文时(2018年中),iTunes Connect已重建为App Store Connect,在Web门户中,您只能看到数量崩溃次数等等.要从Apple服务器下载能源使用和崩溃报告日志,您实际上要转到XCode. Window-> Organizer-> EnergyCrashes标签.

Just in case anyone else ends up on the same wild goose chase - at the time of writing (mid-2018) iTunes Connect has been rebuilt as App Store Connect and, in the web portal, all you can see is number of crashes and so-forth. To download energy usage and crash report logs from Apple servers, you actually go to XCode. Window -> Organizer -> Energy or Crashes tab.

这篇关于App Store上来自应用程序的崩溃报告的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

07-17 08:54