

我在黑莓开发新的,就像在J2ME开发控制台输出和日志猫的android看到模拟器的事件日志,有什么黑莓,这样我可以在黑莓手机保持在轨道上的应用程序日志记录。 ..
帮助将非常AP preciated ...

i am new in black berry development, just like console output in J2me development and log cat in android to see the event log of the simulator, is there anything for blackberry so that i can keep a track on application logging on blackberry...Help would be very much appreciated...Thanks.


您可以使用的System.out.println(),它会出现在Eclipse输出窗口。我建议把一些包装类围绕它来模拟一些LogCat中的功能,如做静态方法该标签各有[DEBUG],[错误],这样的东西。此外,将有来自模拟器/设备等输出调试好位,所以找到一个方法来区分你的日志(我prePEND ==========每一个人,所以我可以看到它很快)。

You can use System.out.println() and it will appear in the output window in Eclipse. I would suggest putting some wrapper class around it to emulate some of the features of LogCat, such as making static methods that tag each with [DEBUG], [ERROR], stuff like that. Also, there will be a good bit of other debug output from the simulator/device, so find a way to distinguish your logs (I prepend ========== to each of them so I can see it quickly).


05-28 20:26