Assume the following structure in your recources folder:
| ├─AA
| | ├─file-aev
| | ├─file-oxa
| | ├─…
| | └─file-stl
| ├─BB
| | ├─file-hio
| | ├─file-nht
| | ├─…
| | └─file-22an
| └─…
| ├─AA
| | ├─file-aev
| | ├─file-oxa
| | ├─…
| | └─file-stl
| ├─BB
| | ├─file-hio
| | ├─file-nht
| | ├─…
| | └─file-22an
| └─…
任务是读取给定规格 spec_X
的所有文件.出于明显的原因,我们不希望使用确切的名称作为字符串文字,而使用 Source.fromResource("spec_A/AA/…")
The task is to read all files for a given specification spec_X
one subfolder by one. For obvious reasons we do not want to have the exact names as string literals to open with Source.fromResource("spec_A/AA/…")
for hundreds of files in the code.
Additionally, this solution should of course run inside the development environment, i.e. without being packaged into a jar.
Ok, after some trying and analyzing the Collector’s API I was able to create a scala.List via ListBuffer collector.
class SpecReader (val spec:String) {
private val basePath = s"/spec_$spec"
lazy val jarFileSystem: FileSystem = FileSystems.newFileSystem(getClass.getResource(basePath).toURI, Map[String, String]().asJava);
def readSpecMessageScala(): String = {
List("CN", "DO", "KF")
.flatMap(path ⇒ Source.fromInputStream(Files.newInputStream(path), "UTF-8").getLines())
.reduce(_ + " " + _)
val collector: Collector[_ >: Path, ListBuffer[Path], List[Path]] = Collector.of(
new Supplier[ListBuffer[Path]]() {
override def get(): ListBuffer[Path] = ListBuffer[Path]()
new BiConsumer[ListBuffer[Path], Path]() {
override def accept(t: ListBuffer[Path], u: Path): Unit = t.addOne(u)
new BinaryOperator[ListBuffer[Path]]() {
override def apply(t: ListBuffer[Path], u: ListBuffer[Path]): ListBuffer[Path] = t.addAll(u)
new Function[ListBuffer[Path], List[Path]](){
override def apply(v1: ListBuffer[Path]): List[Path] = v1.toList
Array[Collector.Characteristics](): _*
def listPathsFromResource(folder: String): List[Path] = {
.filter(p ⇒ Files.isRegularFile(p, Array[LinkOption](): _*))
private def getPathForResource(filename: String) = {
val url = classOf[ConfigFiles].getResource(basePath + "/" + filename)
if ("file" == url.getProtocol) Paths.get(url.toURI)
else jarFileSystem.getPath(basePath, filename)
object Main {
def main(args: Array[String]): Unit = {
System.out.println(new SpecReader(args.head).readSpecMessage())
special attention was necessary for the empty varargs and empty setting maps.
仍然进行测试和jar操作.Git更新,PUll请求欢迎: https://github.com/kurellajunior/list-files-from-resource-directory
Still the case for testing and jar operation. Git updated, PUll requests welcome: https://github.com/kurellajunior/list-files-from-resource-directory