

希望对两个不同的文本文件执行内部联接.基本上,我正在寻找与 GNU 连接程序等效的内部连接.这样的事情存在吗?如果没有,awksed 解决方案将是最有帮助的,但我的首选是 Linux 命令.

Looking to perform an inner join on two different text files. Basically I'm looking for the inner join equivalent of the GNU join program. Does such a thing exist? If not, an awk or sed solution would be most helpful, but my first choice would be a Linux command.


Here's an example of what I'm looking to do

文件 1:

0|Alien Registration Card LUA|Checklist Update
1|Alien Registration Card LUA|Document App Plan
2|Alien Registration Card LUA|SA Application Nbr
3|Alien Registration Card LUA|tmp_preapp-DOB
0|App - CSCE Certificate LUA|Admit Type
1|App - CSCE Certificate LUA|Alias 1
2|App - CSCE Certificate LUA|Alias 2
3|App - CSCE Certificate LUA|Alias 3
4|App - CSCE Certificate LUA|Alias 4

文件 2:

Alien Registration Card LUA


0|Alien Registration Card LUA|Checklist Update
1|Alien Registration Card LUA|Document App Plan
2|Alien Registration Card LUA|SA Application Nbr
3|Alien Registration Card LUA|tmp_preapp-DOB


file2 不应该在末尾包含 LUA 吗?

Should not the file2 contain LUA at the end?


If yes, you can still use join:

join -t'|' -12 <(sort -t'|' -k2 file1) file2


07-16 20:06