Instead of updating the same variable in various locations I parse files and extract the bits I need. One bit I am looking for is the cache name in my service-worker.js file. When I'm developing locally, I can easily retrieve the js file in the directory structure.
When I deploy my app to GAE, the service worker JS file needs to be declared static and so GAE stashes it away somewhere.
Is there a way to get to this file without making a URL call?
This is what I currently use and it's all working fine in DEV:
function getCacheId() {
$cache_id = "";
$c = file_get_contents ( dirname ( __FILE__ ) . "/service-worker.js" );
if (preg_match ( "/CACHE_NAME = '(.*)'/", $c, $matches ) !== false) {
if (count ( $matches )) {
$cache_id = trim ( $matches[1] );
return $cache_id;
const CACHEID = "<?php echo getCacheId() ?>";
文件中的静态文件声明之外,您还需要配置application_readable: true
You need to also configure application_readable: true
in addition to the static file declaration in your app.yaml
可选.布尔值.默认情况下,在静态文件处理程序中声明的文件 作为静态数据上传,并且仅提供给最终用户.他们 应用程序无法读取.如果此字段设置为true,则 文件也作为代码数据上传,因此您的应用程序可以读取 他们.两次上传均会根据您的代码和静态数据收费 存储资源配额.
Optional. Boolean. By default, files declared in static file handlers are uploaded as static data and are only served to end users. They cannot be read by an application. If this field is set to true, the files are also uploaded as code data so your application can read them. Both uploads are charged against your code and static data storage resource quotas.