


I need a batch-file to convert all files in a folder and its subfolders to lowercase. For example:

Here Is StackOverflow.txt

here is stackoverflow.txt


A piece of the file name is in the bracket. Is it possible to neglect it and leave it on its previous state? e.g.

Here Is [A WEBSITE CALLED] StackOverflow.txt

here is [A WEBSITE CALLED] stackoverflow.txt


通过 JREN.BAT -混合JScript/批处理脚本,可通过正则表达式替换来重命名文件. JREN.BAT是纯脚本,可​​以从XP开始在任何Windows计算机上本地运行.

Easily done with JREN.BAT - a hybrid JScript/batch script that renames files via regular expression replacement. JREN.BAT is pure script that runs natively on any Windows machine from XP onward.


To simply convert all file names to lower case:

jren "^" "" /l /s


If you want all text between square brackets to be upper case, and everything else to be lower case, then it is easily done with two commands

jren "^" "" /l /s
jren "[.+?]" "uc($0)" /j /s


If you want to preserve the original case of all text between square brackets, and convert everything else to lower case, then it takes a more complicated regular expression and replacement string.

jren "([^[]*)(\[.*?\])*" "lc($1?$1:'')+($2?$2:'')" /j /s

由于JREN是批处理脚本,因此如果要在另一个批处理脚本中使用该命令,则必须使用CALL JREN.

Since JREN is a batch script, you must use CALL JREN if you want to use the command within another batch script.

使用jren /?获取有关所有可用选项的帮助.

Use jren /? to get help on all available options.


05-26 13:26