Separating different parts of a program into different processes seems (to me) to make a more elegant program than just threading everything. In what scenario would it make sense to make things run on a thread vs. separating the program into different processes? When should I use a thread?
Anything on how (or if) they act differently with single-core and multi-core would also be helpful.
You'd prefer multiple threads over multiple processes for two reasons:
- 线程间通信(共享数据等)比进程间通信更易于编程.
- 线程之间的上下文切换比进程之间的切换要快.也就是说,操作系统停止一个线程并开始运行另一个线程比处理两个进程更快.
具有 GUI 的应用程序通常将一个线程用于 GUI,其他线程用于后台计算.例如,MS Office 中的拼写检查器是一个独立于运行 Office 用户界面的线程.在此类应用程序中,改用多个进程会导致性能下降以及代码难以编写和维护.
Applications with GUIs typically use one thread for the GUI and others for background computation. The spellchecker in MS Office, for example, is a separate thread from the one running the Office user interface. In such applications, using multiple processes instead would result in slower performance and code that's tough to write and maintain.