

我有一个由主类和Java代理(使用Axis 1.4创建)组成的Java应用程序.没有Servlet或JSP`s

I have a Java Application consisting of a Main Class and Java Proxies(Created using Axis 1.4).There are no Servlets or JSP`s


The program takes i/p from an excel sheet.Queries an internet application using Webservices.This process continues until all the records in the Excel have been executed.


Now my First question is how do I deploy this application on Weblogic:As a WAR, EAR or JAR(Not as WAR ofcourse)If it is a web application we can invoke it by a path like


但这不是Web应用程序,所以我将如何调用它.在Jdevloper中,我右键单击Main Class,单击RUN,它开始执行.现在,我必须在Linux系统中的Weblogic Server上进行部署

but this aint a web application, so how would I invoke it.In Jdevloper I right Click on Main Class, Click RUN and it starts executing.Now I have to deploy over a Weblogic Server in a Linux System


Second Question: How do I shedule it.Suppose if i want it to run weekly or daily.


为此,您不需要任何与Web相关的服务器,而需要某种任务计划程序,例如 cron 安排启动Java应用程序的命令行

For this, you don't need any kind of web related servers, but some kind of a task scheduler, like cron to schedule a command line starting your Java application


You can run your compiled classes too, I'd advise to create a JAR file of them, that makes things a lot more clean.


07-17 10:37