My program runs, but does not actually do what I want it to do. It prompts for start size, then prompts for end size, and then that's it. I want it to then use the inputted numbers to calculate how many years it would take but I can't seem to get it to do that. Thanks in advance for any suggestions!
#include <cs50.h>
#include <stdio.h>
int main(void)
// TO DO: Prompt for start size
int start;
start = get_int("Start Size: ");
while (start < 9);
// TO DO: Prompt for end size
int end;
end = get_int("End Size: ");
while (end <= start);
// TO DO: Calculate number of years until we reach threshold
int years;
years = (start + start/3 - start/4);
while (end > start);
// TO DO: Print number of years
printf("Years:%i\n", years);
As @kaylum suggests, you would easily see what's wrong with your program if you were to step through it, using a debugger.
Here are two Stackoverflow questions about debugging on Linux and on Windows:
although I am guessing your course staff has suggested some development environment which itself allows for debugging, possibly a bit differently than the suggestions in those questions.
如果要调试程序,逐步执行单个命令,您会注意到执行会不断迭代 do ... while(end> start);
循环,如@UnholySheep所述.然后您会想到等等,为什么它不退出循环?"并且您会注意到,您只更改了 years
的值,而循环退出条件关于 end
和 start
If you were to debug the program, stepping through individual commands, you would notice that execution keeps iterating the do ... while (end > start);
loop, as @UnholySheep notes. Then you would think "wait, why isn't it exiting the loop?" and you would notice that you only change the years
value, while your loop exit condition regardings end
and start
, which don't change.
Also, and for future reference - most StackOverflow users expect question askers to perform their "due diligence", making reasonable efforts to figure out their problems before asking us for a solution. Now that you know about debuggers - please use one before asking "Why does my program not do what I expected".