本文介绍了AWS SAM X射线跟踪:主动vs直通的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!


AWS :: Serverless :: Function 的 Tracing 参数中的 Active PassThrough 有什么区别??

What is the difference between Active and PassThrough in Tracing parameter of AWS::Serverless::Function?

PassThrough 是默认值吗?


AWS :: Serverless:Function Tracing 参数的文档链接到说明如何使用AWS的页面使用AWS Lambda的X-Ray.不幸的是,该页面未声明任何有关完全是跟踪模式,所以它可能只是链接到错误的页面.

The documentation of the Tracing parameter for AWS::Serverless:Function links to a page explaining how to use AWS X-Ray with AWS Lambda. Unfortunately that page doesn't state anything about the tracing mode at all, so it's probably just linking to the wrong page.

正确的页面应该是AWS Lambda的API文档,它确实说明了 的目的是:

The correct page would be the API documentation of AWS Lambda which does explain what the purpose of the TracingConfig is:

可以是PassThrough或Active.如果通过,Lambda只会跟踪来自上游服务的请求(如果它包含跟踪)标头为"sampled = 1".如果处于活动状态,则Lambda将遵守任何跟踪它从上游服务接收的标头.如果没有跟踪头收到后,Lambda将致电X-Ray进行追踪决定.

Can be either PassThrough or Active. If PassThrough, Lambda will only trace the request from an upstream service if it contains a tracing header with "sampled=1". If Active, Lambda will respect any tracing header it receives from an upstream service. If no tracing header is received, Lambda will call X-Ray for a tracing decision.


有效值:有效 | PassThrough


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05-29 13:11