我在Azure Blob存储中有不同类型的音频文件(wav,mp3 ...).我想流式传输它们,但我也想从音频文件中的特定位置流式传输它们.因此,例如,我希望一个流在文件的0:00秒开始,另一个流在文件的01:15秒开始.
I have audio files of differnt types (wav, mp3...) in a Azure Blob Storage. I want to stream them but i also want to stream them from a specific position in the audio file.So for example i want a stream to start at 0:00 seconds and another one to start at 01:15 seconds of the file.
Is this somehow possible? I know that there is the Method "DownloadRangeToStream". Is this possible with this method?Even if this works i think that there will be problems with the offset because the Header of the File is missing right?
Azure Blob存储不支持流式传输仅支持渐进式下载.了解这些是很好的.因为只有流媒体支持搜索.渐进式下载不支持搜索.
Azure Blob Storage does not support streaming it only supports Progressive Download. It is good to have understanding of these. Because Only streaming supports seeking. Progressive Download does not support seeking.
如果您正在开发自己的播放器,则可以潜在地使用那些DownloadRangeToStream方法,但我真的对结果表示怀疑.对于具有查找功能的真实流,您将必须使用 Azure媒体服务.媒体服务支持广泛的流媒体功能,包括平滑流媒体,固定比特率流媒体,渐进式下载,Apple HTTP自适应流媒体(Apple HLS流媒体)等.
If you are developing your own player, you can potentially take use of those DownloadRangeToStream method, but I really question the result. For real streaming with seek capabilities you will have to use Azure Media Services. Media Services supports wide range of streaming features including Smooth Streaming, Fixed bitrate streaming, progressive download, Apple HTTP Adaptive streaming (Apple HLS Streaming) etc.
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