


I have written different python codes to reverse a given string. But, couldn't able to figure the which one among them is efficient. Can someone point out the differences between these algorithms using time and space complexities?

def reverse_1(s):
      result = ""
      for i in s : 
          result = i + result
      return result

def reverse_2(s): 
      return s[::-1]

有,但是我找不到时间和空间的复杂性。我想知道 s [::-1] 需要多少空间?

There are already some solutions out there, but I couldn't find out the time and space complexity. I would like to know how much space s[::-1] will take?


即使没有尝试进行基准测试(您也可以轻松实现), reverse_1 由于许多原因而变得缓慢:

Without even trying to bench it (you can do it easily), reverse_1 would be dead slow because of many things:

  • 具有索引的循环

  • 不断添加

因此,由于循环&索引, O(n * n)时间复杂性,因为有字符串拷贝, O(n)复杂性,因为它使用了

So, slow because of loop & indexes, O(n*n) time complexity because of the string copies, O(n) complexity because it uses extra memory to create temp strings (which are hopefully garbage collected in the loop).

另一方面, s [::-1]

  • 不使用可见循环

  • 返回字符串不需要从/到列表进行转换

  • 使用python运行时中的编译代码


So you cannot beat it in terms of time & space complexity and speed.


If you want an alternative you can use:


但这比<$慢c $ c> s [::-1] (它必须创建一个列表,以便 join 可以建立一个字符串)。当需要进行其他转换而不是反转字符串时,这很有趣。

but that will be slower than s[::-1] (it has to create a list so join can build a string back). It's interesting when other transformations are required than reversing the string.

请注意,与C或C ++语言不同(就字符串的类推而言),可能由于字符串的不可变性而导致空间复杂度为 O(1)的字符串反转:您需要两倍的内存,因为字符串操作不能就地完成(可以在字符列表上完成,但是 str < => list 转换会使用内存)

Note that unlike C or C++ languages (as far as the analogy goes for strings) it is not possible to reverse the string with O(1) space complexity because of the immutability of strings: you need twice the memory because string operations cannot be done in-place (this can be done on list of characters, but the str <=> list conversions use memory)


10-14 03:57