

请问,有人知道如何用汇编语言对字符串输入进行编码吗?我正在使用 int 21 来显示和输入字符。

Please, does anybody know how to code string input in assembly language? I'm using int 21 to display and input characters.


您可以使用来读取缓冲的输入。给定 ds:dx 中的字符串缓冲区,它将读取最大长度为255的字符串。缓冲区布局为:

You can use function 0Ah to read buffered input. Given a string buffer in ds:dx it reads a string of up to length 255. The buffer layout is:

Byte 0 String length (0-255)
Byte 1 Bytes read (0-255, filled by DOS on return)
Bytes 2-..Length+2 (The character string including newline as read by DOS).

一个小的COM文件的示例,该文件读取一个字符串,然后将其回显给用户: / p>

An example of a small COM file that reads a string and then echos it back to the user:

    org 0x100

    push cs
    pop ds ; COM file, ds = cs

    mov ah, 0x0A ; Function 0Ah Buffered input
    mov dx, string_buf ; ds:dx points to string buffer
    int 0x21

    movzx si, byte [string_buf+1] ; get number of chars read

    mov dx, string_buf + 2 ; start of actual string

    add si, dx ; si points to string + number of chars read
    mov byte [si], '$' ; Terminate string

    mov ah, 0x09 ; Function 09h Print character string
    int 0x21 ; ds:dx points to string

    ; Exit
    mov ax, 0x4c00
    int 0x21

    db 255 ; size of buffer in characters
    db 0 ; filled by DOS with actual size
    times 255 db 0 ; actual string


Note that it will overwrite the input line (and it thus might not look the program is doing anything!)


Alternatively you can use function 01h and read the characters yourself in a loop. Something like this (note it will overflow later buffers if more than 255 characters are entered):

    org 0x100

    push cs
    pop ax
    mov ds, ax
    mov es, ax; make sure ds = es = cs

    mov di, string ; es:di points to string
    cld ; clear direction flag (so stosb incremements rather than decrements)
    mov ah, 0x01 ; Function 01h Read character from stdin with echo
    int 0x21
    cmp al, 0x0D ; character is carriage return?
    je read_done ; yes? exit the loop
    stosb ; store the character at es:di and increment di
    jmp read_loop ; loop again
    mov al, '$'
    stosb ; 'Make sure the string is '$' terminated

    mov dx, string ; ds:dx points to string
    mov ah, 0x09 ; Function 09h Print character string
    int 0x21

    ; Exit
    mov ax, 0x4c00
    int 0x21

    times 255 db 0 ; reserve room for 255 characters


09-17 15:57