I have a GridLayout full of buttons - similar to a calculate with spaces between the buttons. I wants to skin the background including the those areas between the buttons but not the buttons themselves.
What is the best way to do this? Is there a means of setting a background image on the GridLayout itself or do I need to create a View hierarchy?
I had started experimenting thinking that child Views can be added to parent Views but it would appear that you can only add Views to ViewGroup derived classes?
Without a background, I'm dynamically constructing my GridLayout and adding it to the activity's default layout using setContentView( gridLayout ).
我真正想了解的是如何组成复杂的视图层次结构.看来,gridLayout.setBackground()的简单方法也需要API 16,并且我也在我的设备上使用API 14.
What I would really like to understand is how to compose complex view hierachies. It also appears the simple approach of gridLayout.setBackground() requires API 16 and I'm using API 14 for my devices too.
GridView源自查看类.View类具有名为 void setBackgroundResource()的方法,您可以在网格视图对象上调用它,并将可绘制资源的ID传递给它.此方法是从API级别1开始引入的,因此您不必担心API兼容性问题.
GridView is derived from View class. The View class has a method called void setBackgroundResource (), you can call it on your grid view object, pass an id of a drawable resource to it. This method was introduced since API level 1, so you don't have to worry about API compatibility issues.