我安装了emacs 24,并安装了,我想改变主题从zenburn到探戈黑暗。但是,该行突出显示的颜色是黄色,我不喜欢。我想要它像zenburn的灰色。
I installed emacs 24 and also installed prelude and I wanted to change the theme from zenburn to tango-dark. But the color that the line is highlighted is yellow and I don't like that. I want it to be like the gray color in zenburn.
我该怎么办?我不喜欢关闭hl行,但是当我试图看到,括号()之间的空格用相同的黄色突出显示。 (在禅宗主题没有发生)。我也知道这不是探戈主题的一部分,因为当我用探戈主题运行香草emacs(sudo emacs)没有这样的突出显示。
What should I do? I prefer not to turn off the hl-line but when I tried that I saw that the space between parentheses () are highlighted with the same yellow color. (In zenburn theme that didn't happen). I also know that this is not part of the tango theme because when I run vanilla emacs(sudo emacs) with tango theme no such highlighting happens.
如果您自定义您的init文件(〜/ .emacs
,〜/ .emacs.el
或〜/ .emacs.d / init.el
That would be an easy fix if you customize your init file (~/.emacs
, ~/.emacs.el
, or ~/.emacs.d/init.el
(global-hl-line-mode 1)
Set any color as the background face of the current line:
(set-face-background 'hl-line "#3e4446")
To keep syntax highlighting in the current line:
(set-face-foreground 'highlight nil)