


Here is an idea of what my mongodb document looks like (json format of course)

        _id: 50,
        team_name: 'bulls',
        players: [
                _id: 100,
                player_name: 'Jokim'


So when the route api/teams/50/players/100 hits I want to serve Jokim. I am trying to read other posts on mongoose nested documents, but I can't seem to find an answer for what I am looking for here. I simply want to find the document, I already have the route setup.

models.Team.find({'players._id':req.params.id }, function(err, player) {
    if (err) {
        res.json({error: 'player not found.'});
    } else {


This is my SCHEMA

var Team = new Schema({
    team_name:   { type: String },
    players: [
            player_name:  { type: String },
            points:       { type: Number },
            made_one:     { type: Number },
            made_two:     { type: Number },
            made_three:   { type: Number },
            missed_one:   { type: Number },
            missed_two:   { type: Number },
            missed_three: { type: Number },
            percentage:   { type: Number },
            assists:      { type: Number },
            rebounds:     { type: Number },
            steals:       { type: Number },
            blocks:       { type: Number },
            fouls:        { type: Number },
            feed:         { type: String },
            facebook_id:  { type: Number }
    points:       { type: Number },
    made_one:     { type: Number },
    made_two:     { type: Number },
    made_three:   { type: Number },
    missed_one:   { type: Number },
    missed_two:   { type: Number },
    missed_three: { type: Number },
    percentage:   { type: Number },
    assists:      { type: Number },
    rebounds:     { type: Number },
    steals:       { type: Number },
    blocks:       { type: Number },
    fouls:        { type: Number },
    feed: { type: String }



When you query Team, the docs that are returned by Mongoose have the same structure as your schema, so you need to pull out the player you're looking for from that structure.

使用 $位置投影算子来确定查询中匹配的第一个玩家,以便您的结果仅在players数组字段中包含该玩家:

Use the $ positional projection operator to identify the first player matched in your query so that your result only contains that player in the players array field:

    {'players._id': req.params.id },
    {'players.$': 1},
    function(err, team) {
        if (err || !team || !team.players || !team.players.length) {
            res.json({error: 'player not found.'});
        } else {


Note that findOne is used instead of find because you're only looking to find the single team containing that player.


09-05 18:06