谢谢。 Bob MDE文件比MDB更可靠,更容易出现腐败吗? br /> Bob Is it considered best practice to distribute FE databases as MDEs ratherthan MDBs? Without flaming me for asking the question, could someoneplease enumerate the key advantages?Also I like to provide my users a mini report writer where the reportspecs are stored as local data files. Can I do this in an MDE - e.g.have local data files for the report writer spec but no queries, formsor report changes?Thanks.Bob 解决方案 Bob Alston wrote:Is it considered best practice to distribute FE databases as MDEsrather than MDBs? Without flaming me for asking the question, couldsomeone please enumerate the key advantages?Also I like to provide my users a mini report writer where the reportspecs are stored as local data files. Can I do this in an MDE - e.g.have local data files for the report writer spec but no queries, formsor report changes?An MDE prevents a user form altering the design of code based objects wherethey would more than likely mess them up.In some cases you might have data inside your code that you do not wantusers to see. An MDE prevents that.An MDE is generally smaller and since it is always 100% compiled willperform a bit better than an MDB.Untrapped errors will cause all public variables to lose their values in anMDB. That doesn''t happen in an MDE.If your "writer specs" are stored in a table then an MDE will still storethem. I have no idea what you do with your "specs" so beyond storing themin a table I can''t say whether an MDE will break that process. If you usethem to apply on-the-fly changes to existing reports then an MDE can stilldo that. If you use them to actually create new reports then no, an MDEwill not allow that.--Rick Brandt, Microsoft Access MVPEmail (as appropriate) to...RBrandt at Hunter dot comRick Brandt wrote:In some cases you might have data inside your code that you do not wantusers to see. An MDE prevents that.A prime example of this for me would be in the storing of a connectstring with a sensitive password, such as what I use for Oracle connections.For example, in a standard module called Mod_Constants_Variables, whereI declare most of my app level variables and constants, I might havesomething like:Public Const cConnect = "ODBC;DSN=ABC;UID=ABCR;PWD=something_sensitive "Tthis connect string would be used with temporary querydefs, air codeexample:dim Qd as Dao.querydefdim strSql as stringstrsql = "insert into ABC.tbl_whatever (ID_PK, ID, NAME) Values (123,''Ooga booga'')"Set qd = dbs.createquerydef("")with qd.connect = cConnect.sql = strsql.returnsrecords = false.execute dbfailonerror.closeend withUsing an mde allows me to forever keep the password secret from the user.--Tim http://www.ucs.mun.ca/~tmarshal/^o</#) "Burp-beep, burp-beep, burp-beep?" - Quaker Jake/^^ "Whatcha doin?" - Ditto "TIM-MAY!!" - MeBob Alston wrote:Is it considered best practice to distribute FE databases as MDEs ratherthan MDBs? Without flaming me for asking the question, could someoneplease enumerate the key advantages?Also I like to provide my users a mini report writer where the reportspecs are stored as local data files. Can I do this in an MDE - e.g.have local data files for the report writer spec but no queries, formsor report changes?Thanks.BobAre MDE files more reliable and less likely to corruption than MDBs?Bob 这篇关于将FE数据库作为MDEsrather而不是MDB分发是最佳做法吗?的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持! 上岸,阿里云!