我无法显示数据库中的图像,它们存储为 bytea ,我正在这样映射它们:
I can´t display images from my database, they are stored as bytea and I am mapping them like this:
@Table(name = "photograph", schema = "public")
public class Photograph{
@GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.IDENTITY)
@Column(name = "photograph_id", unique = true, nullable = false)
private Long id;
@ManyToOne(fetch = FetchType.EAGER)
@JoinColumn(name = "diagnostic_id", nullable = false, insertable = false, updatable = false)
private Diagnostic diagnostic;
@Column(name = "photo", nullable = false)
private byte[] photo;
@Column(name = "photograph_description", nullable = false, length = 100)
private String photographDescription;
@Column(name = "photograph_content_type")
private String photographContentType;
//Getters and Setters...
我可以毫无问题地将所有图像存储在数据库中.问题是当我想在 p:dataTable 中显示它们时,如下所示:
I can store all the images in the database with no problem. The problem is when I want to show them in a p:dataTable like this:
<p:dataTable id="dataTableLoadedPhotos"
value="#{imageController.photographListUpdate}" var="image">
<p:column headerText="Fotografías cargadas" width="110">
<o:graphicImage value="#{imageStreamer.getById(image.photographId)}"
alt="#{msgs['label.diagnostic.photograph.notFound']}" />
我正在使用基于 The BalusC代码的流光 :ImageServlet ,我尝试使用 o:graphicImage 失败,结果是mi代码中缺少:
I am using a streamer based on The BalusC Code: ImageServlet and I tried to use o:graphicImage with no success, something is missing in mi code:
public class ImageStreamer {
private PhotographService photographService;
public byte[] getById(Long id) {
try {
return photographService.getContent(id);
} catch (ServiceException e) {
FacesMessage mensaje = new FacesMessage(
"Error al buscar la fotografía ", e.getMessage());
FacesContext.getCurrentInstance().addMessage(null, mensaje);
return null;
I also have a managed bean with @RequestScoped:
public class ImageController {
private PhotographService photographService;
@ManagedProperty(value = "#{diagnosticDataManager}")
private DiagnosticDataManager diagnosticDataManager;
private List<Photograph> photographListUpdate = new ArrayList<Photograph>();
private Photograph selectedPhoto;
public ImageController() {
diagnosticDataManager = new DiagnosticDataManager();
public void init() {
if (diagnosticDataManager.getDiagnostic().getDiagnosticId() != null)
photographListUpdate = photographService
for (Photograph photograph : photographListUpdate) {
byte[] imageContent = org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64
ExternalContext ec = FacesContext.getCurrentInstance()
// Getters and setters....
I only see two rows in p:dataTable corresponding to the images preloaded with no image, just the message of "alt" attribute of the o:graphicImage is shown
Using firebug I only see this on each row:
<img alt="Imagen no encontrada" src="/patientdiagnostics/javax.faces.resource/ImageStreamer_getById.xhtml?ln=omnifaces.graphic&v=0&p=7">
我还尝试了类似的操作< p:graphicImage>中的图像在< ui:repeat>
This was thus actually not true. Those images appear to be empty or filled with only zeroes.
How to grab the uploaded file content from a <p:fileUpload>
, head to the following answers:
- How to use PrimeFaces p:fileUpload? Listener method is never invoked or UploadedFile is null
- How to insert uploaded image from p:fileUpload as BLOB in MySQL?
Unrelated to the concrete problem, that faces message which you're trying to add in the catch block of the streamer won't appear anywhere as the image request doesn't represent a JSF page. You'd better just log/mail it.