

这真的让我很烦。已经多年了。无论我用core.php或php.ini做什么,我的登录超时大约一个小时 - 通常。一些相同代码和配置的部署在经过可观的时间后超时。

This is really bugging me. Has been for years. No matter what I do with core.php or php.ini, my logins timeout after about an hour - usually. Some deployments of identical code and configuration timeout after a respectable amount of time.

这是我现在在一个网站上 - 大约一个小时后超时: / p>

This is what I have at the moment on one site - timed out after about an hour:

session.gc_divisor  1000
session.gc_maxlifetime  86400
session.gc_probability  1

Configure::write('Session.timeout', '28800');
Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);
Configure::write('Security.level', 'medium');

另一种 - 持续整夜:

And another - lasted all night:

session.gc_divisor  100
session.gc_maxlifetime  14400
session.gc_probability  0

Configure::write('Session.timeout', '315360000');
Configure::write('Session.checkAgent', false);
Configure::write('Security.level', 'medium');


Now, before you get excited and say, "Well, the answer is there in the Session.timeout value", let me tell you that this site usually times out after about twenty minutes!


,其他应用程序可以通过清除php定义的会话目录来重置会话。 Rowlf在他的回答中提到了这一点。

Somewhere I read that on shared hosting, other applications can reset the session by clearing the php-defined session directory. This was alluded to by Rowlf in his answer.

CakePHP提供了配置会话处理方式的选项。在 core.php 我改变为'cake'(默认是'php '):

CakePHP offers the option to configure the way sessions are handled. In core.php I changed this to 'cake' (by default it is 'php'):

 * The preferred session handling method. Valid values:
 * 'php'            Uses settings defined in your php.ini.
 * 'cake'       Saves session files in CakePHP's /tmp directory.
 * 'database'   Uses CakePHP's database sessions.
Configure::write('Session.save', 'cake');


I also ensured that the session timeout and the corresponding php.ini values are the same:

 * Session time out time (in seconds).
 * Actual value depends on 'Security.level' setting.
Configure::write('Session.timeout', '86400');


So far, the system hasn't logged out.


09-05 11:31