In Python I am using the itertools.product() function to generate input parameters for a simulation.
I have a test function that requires 4 input parameters a1, a2, b1 and b2. I use the following code generate the parameters. Example:
params = itertools.product(range(10,41,2), range(10,41,2), range(0, 2), range(5, 31, 5))
… which gives me 3072 combinations. Unfortunately some combinations logically make no sense. E. g. if a2 is larger than a1 the test results are useless, also when b1 equals 0 the value of b2 is completely irrelevant – so it wouldn’t make sense to test such combinations.
Is there a possibility to restrict or filter the cartesian product beside doing it manually and nesting for-loops? Because my real use case has way more than 4 parameters, that’s why I like the convenience of the cartesian product function from itertools.
Any ideas or alternatives?Any help appreciated, thanks.
如果您有很多参数,可以使用 python-constraint 可能更容易使用-让它进行艰苦的工作来找出哪些组合是有效的.
If you have many parameters, a constraint-based approach using a module like python-constraint may be easier to work with - let it do the hard work of figuring out which combinations are valid.
from constraint import Problem
prob = Problem()
prob.addVariables(["a1", "a2"], range(10,41,2))
prob.addVariable("b1", [0, 2])
prob.addVariable("b2", range(5, 31, 5))
prob.addConstraint(lambda a1, a2: a2 <= a1, ["a1", "a2"])
prob.addConstraint(lambda b1, b2: b1 != 0 or b2 == 5, ["b1", "b2"])
for params in prob.getSolutionIter():