本文介绍了从boost :: property_tree :: ptree :: iterator获取ptree的处理方法,对大家解决问题具有一定的参考价值,需要的朋友们下面随着小编来一起学习吧!




I have a piece of code that iterates over a boost property tree (XML).
I need a ptree of the current node, not the children of the node.



<node id="A.html">
    <subnode> child A1 </subnode>
    <subnode> child A2 </subnode>

<node id="B.html">
    <subnode> child B1 </subnode>
    <subnode> child B2 </subnode>


void parse_tree(ptree& pt, std::string key)
    string nkey;
    if (!key.empty())
    nkey = key + ".";

    ptree::const_iterator end = pt.end();
    for(ptree::iterator it = pt.begin(); it != end; ++it){

        //if the node's id is a .html filname, save the node to file
        string id = it->second.get("<xmlattr>.id","");

        if(id.find("B.html") != std::string::npos){  //Let's just test for "B.html"
            write_xml("test.html", pt);           //saves entire tree
            write_xml("test.html", it->second);   //saves only children of the node

        parse_tree(it->second, nkey + it->first); //recursion

结果使用write_xml( test.html,pt)

Results using write_xml("test.html", pt)


(We get the entire tree, we only want the node)

<node id="A.html">
    <subnode> child A1 </subnode>
    <subnode> child A2 </subnode>
<node id="B.html">
    <subnode> child B1 </subnode>
    <subnode> child B2 </subnode>

使用write_xml( test.html,it-> second)的结果

Results using write_xml("test.html", it->second)


(We have no parent node.. only child nodes)

<subnode> child B1 </subnode>
<subnode> child B2 </subnode>


Desired result


(We want the node, and it's children,.. like so)

<node id="B.html">
    <subnode> child B1 </subnode>
    <subnode> child B2 </subnode>




Rewritten in response to the comment/updated question.


  1. 您可以使用未记录的函数 write_xml_element 编写单个元素(使用键作为元素名称) ):

  1. You can use the undocumented function write_xml_element to write the single element (using the key as element name):

    // write the single element: (undocumented API)
            std::cout, it->first, it->second,
            0, settings

  • 或者您可以创建新的 ptree 带有单个孩子的对象

        ptree tmp;
        tmp.add_child(it->first, it->second);
        write_xml(std::cout, tmp, settings);

  • #include <boost/property_tree/ptree.hpp>
    #include <boost/property_tree/xml_parser.hpp>
    #include <fstream>
    #include <iostream>
    using namespace boost::property_tree;
    void parse_tree(ptree& pt, std::string key)
        std::string nkey;
        auto settings = xml_parser::xml_writer_make_settings<std::string>('\t', 1);
        if (!key.empty()) {
            nkey = key + ".";
        ptree::const_iterator end = pt.end();
        for(ptree::iterator it = pt.begin(); it != end; ++it)
            //if the node's id an .html filname, save the node to file
            std::string id = it->second.get("<xmlattr>.id","");
            if (id.find(key) != std::string::npos) {
                // write the single element: (undocumented API)
                        std::cout, it->first, it->second,
                        0, settings
                // or: create a new pt with the single child
                std::cout << "\n==========================\n\n";
                ptree tmp;
                tmp.add_child(it->first, it->second);
                write_xml(std::cout, tmp, settings);
            parse_tree(it->second, nkey + it->first); //recursion
    int main() {
        ptree pt;
        read_xml("input.txt", pt);
        parse_tree(pt, "B");


    <node id="B.html">
        <subnode> child B1 </subnode>
        <subnode> child B2 </subnode>
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
    <node id="B.html">
        <subnode> child B1 </subnode>
        <subnode> child B2 </subnode>

    这篇关于从boost :: property_tree :: ptree :: iterator获取ptree的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!

    09-05 08:04