我在使用 Android Studio 0.2.3 时遇到问题.
I have a problem with Android Studio 0.2.3.
When I run my project the build stops and appears message that says:
Gradle:任务 ':AppName:compileDebugAidl' 的执行失败.
> 未能找到目标 android-18
虽然我已经安装了Android 4.3(API 18)的SDK平台,我尝试重新安装所有的SDK.我还在系统变量中添加了 ANDROID_HOME
although I have installed the SDK platform of Android 4.3 (API 18) and I tried to reinstall all the SDK. I've also added the ANDROID_HOME
variable in the system variables.
What seems to be the source of this error?
我想你可能没有安装 Android-18 sdk.转到工具">Android">SDK 管理器"并检查是否已安装 Android 4.3 (API 18).
I think you might not have the Android-18 sdk installed. Go to Tools > Android > SDK Manager and check to see if Android 4.3 (API 18) is installed.
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