


  1. 我想如何将Angular 2与Django进行整合,如何更改插值角度2的语法从 {{}} (())或类似的东西

    / li>
  2. 如何将CSRF令牌从Cookie添加到每个HTTP帖子?


  .config(function($ httpProvider){
$ httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName ='csrftoken';
$ httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName ='X-CSRFToken';

  1. 将Angular 2与Django?





相反,您宁愿设计您的后端,以便它暴露了一个具有JSON有效负载的RESTful API接口(使用POST / PUT来创建和更新对象,GET获取/列表等)然后您的Angular2应用程序将消耗该API以创建面向用户的体验。

提交时,用于创建对象的Angular2表单将发出HTTP POST请求到您的后端包含JSON格式的数据作为其有效负载(而不是由HTML表单提交导致的传统表单编码数据)


对于身份验证,您可以使用JWT(JSON Web令牌),并且有良好的支持的Django REST框架。

该架构有一个主要优势:在未来如果您的系统演进需要真正的本地移动客户端(例如Android或iOS应用),那么您应该能够为这些本机应用程序使用完全相同的RESTful API。






I want to integrate Angular 2 with Django and I have some questions to make.

  1. How can I change the interpolation syntax for Angular 2 from {{ }} to (( )) or something like this?

  2. How can I add the CSRF token from cookie to every HTTP post?

In Angular 1 I did something like this:

.config(function($httpProvider) {
    $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfCookieName = 'csrftoken';
    $httpProvider.defaults.xsrfHeaderName = 'X-CSRFToken';
  1. Is a good idea to integrate Angular 2 with Django?

I would recommend a different approach to the overall design of your Angular2-based project.

An Angular2-based application is meant to be used as a fully contained application running in the browser (similar conceptually to how a mobile application runs on a mobile OS). There should be a very clear and abrupt separation between your Angular2 app and the backend.

With that in mind, you can certainly use Django for your backend but not in the way a traditional Django app would use the framework with server-side rendered forms and pages.

Instead, you would rather design your backend so that it exposes a RESTful API interface with JSON payloads (with POST/PUT used to create and update objects, GET to fetch/list, etc.) Then your Angular2 app would consume that API to create the user-facing experience.

When submitted, an Angular2 form for creating an object would issue an HTTP POST request to your backend containing JSON-formatted data as its payload (and not the traditional form encoded data resulting from an HTML form submission)

Good tooling options for creating your RESTful backend API would be Django REST Framework or Tastypie.

For authentication, you could use JWT (JSON Web Tokens) and there are good add-ons for Django REST Framework that support that.

That architecture has one major advantage: in the future, if the evolution of your system requires real native mobile clients (Android or iOS apps for example), you should be able to consume the exact same RESTful API for those native apps.

That architecture also has drawbacks such as the inability to use Django forms-handling goodness out-of-the-box.

Considering the above, here are responses to your original questions:

There would be no need for that using the approach I suggest.

If using JWT you would not need CSRF validation. If using session-based authentication, you would still need it but you could pass it using an HTTP header, as Langley suggested.

Subjective but I would say yes, definitely. However, you need to make sure you clearly separate the backend from the frontend. The backend should not respond with server-side generated HTML snippets or HTML forms. That should all be handled within your Angular2 app.


09-02 01:23