I'm trying to write a function in Excel that will set the background color of the active cell according to the values stored in other three cells (each of those three cells store a numeric value from 0 to 255, depending on the color R, G or B).
所以A1单元格为150,B1单元格为220,C1单元格为90(即RGB(150,220,90 ))。我需要D1单元格的颜色是之前声明的RGB(某种绿色),而且,如果我将函数放在D2中,它将选择存储在A2,B2和C2中的RGB,依此类推...
So the A1 cell is 150, the B1 cell is 220 and the C1 cell is 90 (that's RGB(150, 220, 90)). I need that the D1 cell's color is that RGB declared before (some kind of green), and also, if I place the function in D2, it will select the RGB stored in A2, B2 and C2, and so on...
Function myRGB(r, g, b)
Dim clr As Long, src As Range, sht As String, f, v
If IsEmpty(r) Or IsEmpty(g) Or IsEmpty(b) Then
clr = vbWhite
clr = RGB(r, g, b)
End If
Set src = Application.ThisCell
sht = src.Parent.Name
f = "Changeit(""" & sht & """,""" & _
src.Address(False, False) & """," & clr & ")"
src.Parent.Evaluate f
myRGB = ""
End Function
Sub ChangeIt(sht, c, clr As Long)
ThisWorkbook.Sheets(sht).Range(c).Interior.Color = clr
End Sub
Usage (entered in D1):