So the problem is that I have set a webHook address for my Telegram bot like this:https://api.telegram.org/bot<TOKEN>/setWebHook?url=https://evolhookah.com/Home/ReceiveWebhook
Afterwards, I received confirmation in JSON format stating that from now Telegram will send messages to that URL.
Then I created a method ReceiveWebhook(), which is responsible for handling incoming requests, which used to look like these methods (none of them worked):
public ActionResult ReceiveJSON(int? id)
Stream req = Request.InputStream;
req.Seek(0, System.IO.SeekOrigin.Begin);
string receivedJson = new StreamReader(req).ReadToEnd();
var bs = new TgDesserialize(); //Class containing JSON desserializing function
PeopleAttributes people = bs.desserializer(receivedJson); //desserializer manages with desserializing received JSON and returns an object people filled up with necessary values
return Content(people.firstName);
Unfortunately idea with a stream did NOT work, then I decided to receive incoming JSON as a string, and this is how it looked like:
public ActionResult JSONString(String receivedJSON)
var bs = new TgDesserialize();
PeopleAttributes people = bs.desserializer(receivedJSON);
return Content(people.firstName);
问题:每次我收到一个Webhook时,要么获取null JSON,要么无法在控制器中正确接收它.
Problem: Everytime I receive a webhook, I either get null JSON or cannot receive it properly in the controller.
- 在发送webHook时,有什么方法可以检查Telegram是否在发送带有数据的JSON?
- 为什么我总是得到NULL,而
显示我在JSON中有数据? - 我是否在控制器中以错误的方式接收了我的JSON?如果是,处理传入JSON的最佳实践是什么?
- Is there any possible way I can check that Telegram is sending JSON with data inside while sending a webHook?
- Why do I always get NULLs, while
shows that I have data inside JSON? - Am I receiving my JSON in a wrong way in a controller? If yes, what is the best practice of handling incoming JSON?
首先,我建议您使用 telegram.bot 库,并在此示例中查找 Webhook .但总的来说:
First of all, I suggest you to using telegram.bot library and looking this example for Webhook.But in general:
- 安装 Postman 并将手动消息(如电报Webhook消息)发布到您的控制器.然后确保您的控制器中没有错误.
- install the Postman and post a manual message like the telegram webhook message to your controller. Then make sure there are no bugs in your controller.
"last_name":"Test Lastname",
"last_name":"Test Lastname",
- 如果您的控制器为true,则必须确保Webhook消息是由Telegram发送的.您可以下载 ngrok 并为您的本地主机创建一个https代理.
- if your controller is true you must make sure that the Webhook message is sent by Telegram. You can download ngrok and create a https proxy to your localhost.
Use this command in ngrok:
ngrok http 20201
20201 is your localhost port (localhost:20201).Now ngrok give you a https link, and you must set that link as your telegram webhook (just like the way you said).At this moment if telegram sends a webhook message for your bot then you can debug it in the localhost.
- 最后,如果您没有找到问题,则必须阅读 Marvin的《万物专利挂号指南》 Webhook 再次检查所有要求.
- Finally, if you do not find the problem you must read the Marvin's Patent Pending Guide to All Things Webhook to check all the requirements again.
- 支持IPv4,Webhooks当前不支持IPv6.
- 在端口443、80、88或8443上接受来自149.154.167.197-233的传入POST.
- 能够处理TLS1.0 + HTTPS流量.
- 提供受支持的,非通配符,已验证或自签名的证书.
- 使用与您在设置时提供的域匹配的CN或SAN.
- 提供所有中间证书以完成验证链.
- Supports IPv4, IPv6 is currently not supported for Webhooks.
- Accepts incoming POSTs from on port 443,80,88 or 8443.
- Is able to handle TLS1.0+ HTTPS-traffic.
- Provides a supported,non-wildcard, verified or self-signed certificate.
- Uses a CN or SAN.that matches the domain you’ve supplied on setup.
- Supplies all intermediate certificates to complete a verification chain.
这篇关于无法从Telegram webHook ASP.NET接收传入的JSON的文章就介绍到这了,希望我们推荐的答案对大家有所帮助,也希望大家多多支持!